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Tag: datetime

convert js datetime to moment

I have this format of datetime currently stored in[i].time: what I want to do is convert it to moment format. When i do this: it gives me this: what I want to need to do is convert 2022-05-18T13:00:00.000Z to moment somehow. I tried: but that doesn’t work either. is there a way to do this? Answer Just let whatever

moment.js returns invalid Date for moment (String, string)

Wants to compare the timestamp. Tried lots of ways but it is throwing an Invalid Date error. The variables startDate /endDate/testDate returns a same timestamp format in ‘DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:ss’ i.e. ‘21.12.2021 08:29:00’ Also tried using isBetween() function. But for all the conditions it is throwing result as false. please correct me. Answer From momentjs docs screenshot MM in HH:MM:ss

React: Converting mongoDB date to human readable date

A document stored in MongoDB has a “createdAt” property, which contains a timestamp. Here we have an example of the timestamp: Considering this date is today, how can I reproduce the following behavior?: Display this date as “Today at 12:24 PM” Tomorrow, display this date as “Yesterday at 12:24 PM” From the day after tomorrow and beyond, display it as

Formatting ISO time with Luxon

Using Luxon JS, I’ve been trying to format datetime to output in a certain format, using the native toISO function: This is what I get: And this is what I want: I know that they are both equivalent in terms of unix time and mean the same thing except in a different format, I just want to be able to
