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Tag: d3.js

Use a svg image to drag along a line in d3.js

I want to build a visualization in D3.js that illustrates the concept of potential energy and kinetic energy for my students. In essence, I want the students to be able to drag a skier up a slope (i.e. a Line) and when they drop him, he transits down again. I’m sure it is an easy task in D3 but I’m

d3js mask to show dots over bar chart

i saw this example here: and i want to add these dots over my bar chart using mask. Here is my JavaScript code: Here is my CSS code: and here my live example: Where is the problem and i cannot see this outcome correct outcome but i see this one wrong outcome? Answer Solution: just change the circle

D3 / Canvas: Axis not displayed

i have the following issue: I want to create a simple chart using the d3 library and the canvas rendering. I don’t see anything in my browser – but, if I inspect the element, the Axis is ‘compiled’ in the code and I can hover over every tick in the code while the position in the DOM is marked. But,

D3.js v5 – appending lines about a circle from length of array

I want to make a visual that shows ordinal data (ratings). There are 12 rating dimensions, and each rating will have its own dedicated line appended to a circle. The polar orientation of the line designates a category (i.e. lines pointing to 1 o’clock = category 1, 2 o’clock = category 2, and so forth). The length of the line

Donut chart d3.js labels

I’m new to d3.js and I’m trying to change this code. What I actually need is to have each slice’s name on it. The problem is that labels need to change for each button. For example, if you click on culture/Media the labels are – German, English, History but for medicine are – Dentist, Pharmacist… donut chart any help is

How to incorporate D3 svg elements into mithril.js?

I have been working with a framework using mithril.js and wish to add this script that draws an interactive tree into a component on my website. So far, I just placed the JS code inside the script tags into my application, and I know that normally, the DOM object generated is obtained by calling svg.node(). But I know I can’t

D3 Stacked Bar Chart: Bars Overlap

I’m building an interactive bar chart with D3 (version 4). Users may choose a single category (this works fine as coded below) or they can view all categories, in which case the color-coded bars should be stacked. The issue is that I’m not sure how to manipulate the y-coordinates so that each bar is placed above another when the user
