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Tag: csv

NODEJS: Return array of arrays from dialog openDirectory

I am working in a electron desktop app, and what I need to do is: Open a directory using ‘dialog.showOpenDialog’. Filter the files by their extension. Read filtered files (they have no header). Parse them into columns and return only columns 4 and 6 (coordinates). Return an array of arrays of all the files (Output example at the end). With

Iterate over cells in a CSV file in Node.js

I have a CSV file: “myCSV.csv” with two columns: “first” and “second”. All the data inside is just numbers. So the file looks like this: I would like to iterate over these numbers and perform some custom parsing on them, then store results in an array. How can I achieve a behavior like the following? Answer If you’re working with

Converting csv file data to a JavaScript dictionary

CSV File Data: Output: Javascript Object to be made Basically, I have to convert a CSV file to make a Tree in d3. I am wondering how to make the dictionary required from the CSV file So this is the code, I have which only make a dictionary-like, It doesn’t go deeper than the 1st level of the root node

Read a csv or excel (xlsx) file with just javascript and html?

Is it possible to read a excel xlsx or csv, preferably xlsx, using just JavaScript and html. All the solutions (sheetsJS, d3{d3 uses the Fetch API}) I have found require a webserver. I understand I can get a simple webserver using web server for chrome or python or node.js. Futhermore, I understand I can run chrome with certain flags, but

Write a string containing commas and double quotes to CSV

I’m trying to produce a Google Shopping feed of 30,000+ items in NetSuite, a CRM system that runs server-side JavaScript that it calls Suitescript 2.0. Essentially, it’s just JavaScript with a few more restrictions. I’ve been tasked with outputting this product feed as a CSV. The problem is that the product descriptions of these items contain variables amounts of commas,

How to upload and read CSV files in React.js?

I would like the user to upload a .csv file, and then have the browser be able to parse the data from that file. I am using ReactJS. How would this work? Thanks. Answer Figured it out. A combination of react-file-reader and HTML5’s FileReader (see this page). Placed the react-file-reader bit inside of render: And then this above.

d3 reads only first property of csv

Desired result The test.csv needs to be fully accessed for data reading. Current State I have moved some of the values around within the file for different test cases. It appears that the first entry of each row, regardless of type, is the only one that can be returned. At no point have I got any console errors. The CSV

convert CSV lines into Javascript objects

I have a simple csv file people.csv: What I want to do it get each line of the CSV, convert it to a JavaScript object, store them into an array, and then convert the array into a JSON object. server.js: My question is if I am actually converting that CSV lines into Javascript objects when I call the .split(‘n’) method
