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Tag: csv

How to write a value that contains a comma to a csv file?

I have a javascript program to write values to a csv file. I have a value that includes comma within. How to do this? I am newbie to javascript. can you please help me? I tried double quotes record.assets is the field that will have comma within. Answer Close them in quotes and escape double quotes? 1999,Chevy,”Venture “”Extended Edition”””,4900.00

How to convert JSON to CSV format and store in a variable

I have a link that opens up JSON data in the browser, but unfortunately I have no clue how to read it. Is there a way to convert this data using JavaScript in CSV format and save it in JavaScript file? The data looks like: The closest I could find was: Convert JSON format to CSV format for MS Excel

How can I convert a comma-separated string to an array?

I have a comma-separated string that I want to convert into an array, so I can loop through it. Is there anything built-in to do this? For example, I have this string Now I want to split this by the comma, and then store it in an array. Answer MDN reference, mostly helpful for the possibly unexpected behavior of the
