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Tag: css

Dynamically Create and Set Nested Div in JavaScript

I would only want to render/create <p>Hello</p><iframe id=”syndicationPanelModalIFrame” src=”” width=”100%” height=”100%” style=”border: none”> on page load. I don’t want to declare them already but I want to trigger JS and create them once page loads. Pls see “Expected Output” below EXPECTED OUTPUT Current Code Answer Okay, I got it; Use this code: Another way of doing it with innerHTML Although

How to Swap Two Divs With Animation

I have a project where I want a div to appear as a large box and three more to appear underneath as smaller boxes and when you click a smaller box, it switches sizes and places with the large box using css transitions to make the movement and size change smooth. Right now I’m attempting to use jQuery and the

Unexpected behavior of getBoundingClientRect()

codepen I am trying to position footer div at the bottom of the page which is maximum value of the bottom coordinates of menu and content divs (Math.max(menu, content)). But unfolding all three menus (making menu bigger than content) this value becomes smaller than actual menu bottom value (and bigger than content bottom value). Thank you in advance! Answer getBoundingClientRect()

conditional smooth CSS transition

Example Output JSX code Need CSS for this Example Output Answer Css: i have a div with display flex which makes img and the span align horizontally, inside my span i have a h1 and a p tag. for the h1 i have set some css properties and a transformY(10px) that means i am moving it up 10px from its

Javascript Responsive Breakpoints Are Not Working

I have set some responsive breakpoints in javascript but they arent registering and changing once those breakpoints are met. I have added a snippet of my code along with a link to the fiddle below. Any suggestions or ideas to what the issue might be? – Link to my fiddle Answer should be settings, not setting

How to rotate an image and let it stay there on click?

I am able to get the image to rotate 90 degrees so the arrow goes from right arrow to down arrow. I set up the images in html and created the CSS Key frame and linked that up to the javascript. What I need now is the right arrow to stay the down arrow until I click the button again

Single-selectable listview in pure HTML/CSS?

By default a <select> element is a dropdown menu which I don’t want: I want to display the full list. This is possible with multiple: but then obviously the user can select multiple elements. How to have a full list view (like with multiple, i.e. no dropdown menu), but have only one possible selected element? Answer Use the size attribute
