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Tag: css

How to keep selected item top of a sidebar menu after reloading a page

I have a scrolling sidebar when, I select a menu items it should be showed top position of the sidebar. No problem about set active menu. I got it. but I can’t set top position of the sidebar. Please don’t suggest jQuery. rather suggest me vanilla JavaScript here is some code reference Answer Pure CSS solution using :target pseudo-class,

Tab view active and inactive with model value

I just want to know in my ASP.NET MVC application I just created a tab view. For the View I pass some data from the controller. So I need to active and inactive tab according to the value. like an example. Then I need to show tab one active and others, inactive. ( active tab with Green color and Gray

Javascript Won’t replace image

My Js code below is a quiz game. Each question takes up a full page, which means we have to change all the content every time the user presses the next button. My issue is, i can’t seem to get the image to switch to the next by fully replacing it. In my case the new images just go to

Showing button after keydown event

I want to show 2 buttons when keydown event is triggered. It’s actually for profile page where when any data is edited Then only update or cancel button should appear.but by default these buttons should be not seen.I used js to show the button or trigger a css class whenever the keydown event is triggered but that seems to not

Change in one dropdown value is affecting other dropdowns

I have a add button which will keep on adding a div container which consists of two dropdowns. On selecting on dropdown we are setting other dropdown data. When I click on add div it will add a second div with both dropdowns. But, change in one dropdown is affecting other dropdown. app.component.ts app.component.html After adding div, each dropdown should

“cover” property bugging the background

I am having a problem with covering the background in CSS. Before: Image Before After: Image After Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks! Answer You cannot have cover alone in the background property. You are obliged to define the position as well: Or add background-size: cover Related: Error: CSS: background: / is an incorrect operator

Bootstrap tabs inside Owl carousel

I’ve seen a lot of questions about placing an Owl carousel control inside a Bootstrap tab pane. For instance, Owl Carousel not working inside Bootstrap Tabs and Owl Carousel broken inside tab panel. I’d like to implement the opposite: to place Bootstrap tab panes inside a slide (div) within Owl carousel. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work: clicking on a button group

Show one div’s contents at a time every 4 seconds

I have a bunch of slide divs inside of a wrapper container. As you can see I have two of them set to display: none initially. Every 4000ms I would like to smoothly transition into the next slide. I have tried a few things with set interval in js and no luck. Here is my code: Answer Explanation of the
