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Tag: getboundingclientrect

Unexpected behavior of getBoundingClientRect()

codepen I am trying to position footer div at the bottom of the page which is maximum value of the bottom coordinates of menu and content divs (Math.max(menu, content)). But unfolding all three menus (making menu bigger than content) this value becomes smaller than actual menu bottom value (and bigger than content bottom value). Thank you in advance! Answer getBoundingClientRect()

getBoundingClientRect() returns inaccurate values for complex SVG’s in Chrome

I’m trying to calculate the bounding box of transformed SVG elements and for that I’m using getBoundingClientRect() and mapping the x and y values to SVG coordinates. However, this function seems to produce wrong outputs in Chrome and Edge when the shape has curves and a rotation. In the other hand, Firefox is able to produce the expected result. Here’s
