EDIT: While i was trying the same solutions that I already tried, I got it working with “cordova.file.documentsDirectory”, it must be something that I missed last week ORIGINAL QUESTION: I’m building a Leaflet map app in Cordova 9.0.0 that needs to be able to download, unzip, delete unzip file and then access images from unzipped directory on mobile device for
Tag: cordova
Pixi.js – How to fix texture blur on mobile?
I have 2 separate projects which draw a randomized grass tilemap, which are using 2 different methods (personally want to see which is more convenient/efficient). One is using only Canvas, the other using Pixi.js. They both work fine on PC, but when I use cordova to compile it as an Android app, pixi.js tileset has a blur Regular Canvas/Cordova Pixi.js/Cordova
Ionic cordova add platform (Error: socket hang up)
I am creating an app with ionic framework. I created an API via a cheerio scrape afterwards and connected to heroku to make a Hattp call. the problem is that while adding the android platform i get a ‘socket hang up’ error. How can I go about solving the problem? Thank you in advance. This is my code: Answer I
ionic serve gives error in Chrome: Illegal constructor in CreateClass in core.js
I have recently taken over an Ionic project and working on getting it to work. The project runs on device, but I’m trying to get it to work in browser as well. I have updated to the newest versions for plugins and dependencies, but now I’m stuck on a strange javascript error in Chrome console. After this error appeared, the
Upload a photo to Firebase Storage with Image URI
I am currently attempting to upload a photo to my Firebase app’s storage in my Apache Cordova app. I currently get the photo’s URI with the following code: And then am attempting to convert the image into a file and push it to my Firebase storage with the following function: I have both the file and the camera cordova plugins
How to handle incoming content with Intent in PhoneGap
I am building a PhoneGap app. I have successfully added the intent filter to the AndroidManifest.xml and when a link is clicked with specified scheme and host, my app is in the list of application capable of opening the link. Up to this it is perfect. Now, when my app is launched, I want to detect which link launched my
Cordova Unable to load platformapi
I have been having this issue for few days now. Cordova won’t run in browser, error says browser is not added as a platform. However, trying to add browser as a platform, cause another error which says Unable to load platfromapi from platform. It also says that browser is not a valid platform. See screenshots: Cordova issue 1 Cordova issues
Cordova back button is not working on the first launch of android app
I am using Cordova 6.x to build Android app(6.0). I have overridden the back button functionality using event listener. But this event listener is called on the first time launch of the app. But if I kill the app and relaunch, this event listener is called on pressing back button. index.html app.js When I first time launch the app after
Error code 1 cordova plugin file transfer android
I have a problem on cordova (android), when I try to download a file (a .zip exactly), It always occured a error code 1. The url downloads well on my computer. Here is the code : Thanks Answer The error was that I forgot to specify the name of the file when it will be downloaded on the device, I
How to host material icons offline?
My apologies if this is a very simple question, but how do you use google material icons without a ? I would like my app to be able to display the icons even when the user does not have an internet connection Answer Method 2. Self hosting Developer Guide Download the latest release from github (assets: zip file), unzip, and