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Tag: cheerio

How to set outerHTML with using of cheerio

could someone answer me, how to properly set outerHTML of element by using cheerio. I have a problem with that. Example: Let’s say I have an HTML structure below Parsing it via cheerio and adding some manipulations As a result I expect to have all divs to be replaced with p. But only spans are replaced with p. I want

How to select values from li elements in Cheerio/jQuery?

I want to extract the values from the product__sizes-size-1 classes and transform them into an array. I have tried to use a .map() function to try and populate an array but it appears empty. To make it clear I want to have the array populated like [6,7,8,9.5] etc… Answer Your approach is correct, you just use the wrong selector. Use

Parsing values from Google news

From Google news I’m attempting to parse the results. For example, parse the title and text from the search “latest movie releases”, here is the URL:…299098.305542.0.305681.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..1.13.704…0j33i10k1.0.9TgaNbbee40 The results appear to use #rso in the id: But the iterator over $(‘#rso’).each is empty. What id or css element should I select in order to iterate over the divs of search

jQuery/cheerio selector, context and root – what’s the difference?

I’m new to Javascript and would like to use the library Cheerio to do some webscraping. Came across this text in the introduction to the library. Am not sure what the difference is between a selector, context and root. Extract from documentation: Cheerio’s selector implementation is nearly identical to jQuery’s, so the API is very similar. $( selector, [context], [root]
