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Tag: caching

Details about window.stop()

I just came across the window.stop() The stop() method is exactly equivalent to clicking the stop button in the browser. Because of the order in which scripts are loaded, the stop() method cannot stop the document in which it is contained from loading, but it will stop the loading of large images, new windows, and other objects whose loading is

Stop Chrome Caching My JS Files

I will make a change to my JS files but it won’t really change in the browser, I have to rename the files every time so that it reloads it. Is there some sort of .htaccess command I can add or something to make it stop caching? It is even caching my html pages hard core. I need to reopen

caching JavaScript files

Which is the best method to make the browser use cached versions of js files (from the serverside)? Answer Have a look at Yahoo! tips: There are also tips by Google:
