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Tag: caching

Angular MatStepper fails to recognize cached values from two str arrays (but successfully recognizes values from another str array)

I have a MatStepper that’s used to navigate to the next page of a signup flow. I also have a method that loads values from a cache if it’s available, and if so then the MatStepper skips to Page 2. After that, a future method pre-fills the form will those cached values. The scenario where cachedSports are retrieved causes the

Memoize a curried function

Is it possible to memoize f with regard to the 2 arguments, namely: Answer You could take a Map as cache and take nested maps for all following arguments. This cache works for arbitrary count of arguments and reuses the values from the former calls. It works by taking a curried function and an optional Map. If the map is

require.cache equivalent in ES modules

ES Modules docs states: require.cache is not used by import. It has a separate cache. So where’s this separate cache? Is it accessible after all? I’m looking for invalidating module caching as it can be done in CommonJS modules (node.js require() cache – possible to invalidate?) Answer I saw your thread on the nodeJS github and your answer is there:

Invalidate node cache when using Jest

I have a file with object that gets populated with process.env properties: env.js Now I try to test this file with different process.env properties: env.test.js Unfortunately, even though I try to load the file in every test separately the file gets loaded only once, making the third test fail with: P.S. It doesn’t fail when I run the test alone.
