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Tag: bootstrap-5

GAS, Bootstrap Web form Searches and Shows Data in a table, BUT it does NOT show links or hyperlinks to click on them (from spreadsheet)

Here is the web app Any idea on how could I make it show up the links or hyperlinks some cells have? I have made this web form mainly following a tutorial so I’m somewhat new, I try to understand most of the code but truly it’s quite hard for me so if this is something that’s too hard

How can I use Bootstrap 5 with Next.js?

After installing bootstrap with npm install bootstrap I added the style to /pages/_app.js like so: However anything from it that uses javascript does not work at all, e.g. the Collapse example from their docs. If I add import ‘bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js’ to /pages/_app.js then it starts “working” as expected, until a page reload in which it says ReferenceError: document is not defined

Bootstrap 5: Error when showing dropdown via JavaScript

I’m trying to show a dropdown via JS. Unfortunately it seems like there’s a bug in Bootstrap 5. In this example code, showing the modal works, but showing the dropdown throws an exception: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘classList’ of undefined at (dropdown.js:140) Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Thanks in advance. Answer I got

Display text of select option with button jQuery

Hello guys i have a question here. So in this problem i can’t display the text from selected option while i click order button. For the result i need the selected option i choose and display it into a div. Any suggestion what i must change or add here? P.S : Sorry i’m still learning here, i hope my question
