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Tag: axios

Axios is returning empty string value

The problem I’m facing here was, whenever I fetch the data with a button click (the button that leads to this route), the data will be fetch successfully, but whenever I input the link address directly myself in the browser, It keeps returning empty string when i console.log the data (Like this <empty string>), and keep throwing error saying “

Firefox stops receiving responses after some HTTP requests (React + Axios, Node.js backend), sends only OPTIONS

As the title says, this only happens in Firefox. After some time the browser only sends OPTIONS requests with no responses, no status, no headers, nothing I can see in the debug console. All of this works perfectly under Chrome, Safari and Edge. I’ve already set up CORS middleware and headers within NodeJS, so that’s likely not the issue. I’m

Slack API upload string as file

I have a sting variable of a csv. I want to upload it to a slack channel as a .csv file, not as text. This code returns: error: ‘no_file_data’, Changing content to file gives the same response. What do I have to do to convert the csv sting into a file that can be uploaded? I can’t use fs to

Why is axios not returning correctly

I am trying to replace a fetch with axios. I keep getting undefined in my console log. … the commented out fetch is working. I just now added the .json even though axios should not need it. Neither way works. What am I doing wrong? Answer Did you even console.log(response) just to see whats inside of it? I guess you
