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Tag: axios

How to cancel token using a custom Axios instance?

I have an custom Axios instance using axios.create(). I would like to use the cancellation feature of Axios but the request fired from custom instance never gets cancelled. It does’t get detected in the .isCancel() method. But it works fine when used with the global Axios object. I don’t understand why cancellation doesn’t work with a custom Axios instance. Answer

Axios change http to https

I have server that accept only http (no https). And when I call an api, axios automatically change http to https. I create axios instance here: But in browser http changes to https, so it become: and I get net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED How can I prevent that? UPDATE Request Header: and there is no response header. and now I get net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

What is axios rate limit?

Does anyone know’s the rate limit of the axios api because it is throwing a lot of 429 errors when i am using it here is my codes Answer Axios is an Http Client. Http Clients won’t have a rate limit. However, API’s typically have rate limiting implemented (especially public onces). The error message you’re receiving is saying the following:

Execute function after every post request

Using Axios is there a way to “hook” a function to every post request? I have a ‘notification’ module in Vue.js store, which stores API responses, so I need to call an updateResponse method in every post request .then Answer Just use Axios interceptors

How to Inject Axios in Puppeteer

I want to inject axios in puppeteer in order to open a browser session, but sending requests and receiving responses through axios: So the question is, is it possible? Here’s my attempt, but it is not working since axios doesn’t intercepts the website responses I’m moving my first steps in axios, so I beg you to be patient; Thanks for
