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Why is my on click event not working? (ASP.NET MVC)

I have a checkbox in my view, with an onclick event which sends the checkboxes ID to an action result in my controller (using Ajax). However, after running a breakpoint on the passed value within my controller, it seems as thou nothing is happening when i click on the checkbox? Why could this be? My checkbox: Jquery for sending the

Jquery async/await ajax call

I’m currently using 3 ajax call methods (3 of them are executing back-to-back). I must have a time delay in between the second ajax call and the third one. If I add “async:false” in the second ajax, everything works like a charm. However, I found out that this is really a terrible practice and shouldn’t be using. So I decided

How to remove ? (question mark) from url when it is not followed by any parameters?

I have a form that sends a get request to the server. the input parameters are sent to the server in QueryString. This is my form: Before submitting the form, the following JavaScript method is executed to remove the empty input parameters from the form: So if user enters some input, the request would be: ulr: host-name/Home/Browse?Term=some-term&Address=some-address If all the

HttpPostedfileBase is null using jQuery Ajax

I have problem with uploading file In Mvc. First of all I should use Ajax to pass the upload file value. In javascript I have model that I fill it, When I check it with debugger is correctly fill the object, but when I send this model to server (Controller ) The httpPostedfileBase value is Always null. I search
