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Tag: api

How to “store” data from an API call and refresh it (make new call) overtime (replacing old stored contents) on website

I’m a volunteer for this association/game called FAF. We have a leaderboards ( of players that we get through API calls. However, it isn’t very efficient to make it so everytime someone opens the leaderboard page to make an API call to get the rankings. However, Imagine if 1000 people visit it, that would be 1000 calls to the API

Why can I not overwrite the innerHTML after I once clicked into it

My Code: As you probably read, the code is for a Real-Time Texteditor Project I’m working on with a friend. But I don’t understand why everything works well until I click on the text field and wanna write something. The server gets everything and the other instance also. The only problem is, that the second instance doesn’t overwrite the innerHTML

Getting OAuthCallbackError with nextjs Auth

I am trying to make a spotify analysis app that would analyse your Spotify data. But I am getting this error on authorization. Here is my auth file. this is my middleware this is my login.js It would be really great if someone could help me out here. Everytime I am trying to login,it’s throwing me this error.(http://localhost:3000/login?callbackUrl=http://localhost:3000/&error=OAuthCallback) Answer I

Outputting JSON from Curl APi call to Ajax

I am working on a course project in which I am required to use php to make api calls. The Ajax call looks like this: The php api call looks like this: This works perfectly. I have used the same routine to make similar calls go the geonames API and had no issues doing so as they provide the name

Best Practice of calling an API endpoint [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 12 months ago. Improve this question What is the best practice of returning when calling an API endpoint? Is it best to return the whole response? Let’s
