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Tag: api

JavaScript pCloud API call to fetch userinfo gives an error

While calling the api from JavaScript This HTTP request works fine In the below code I want to call via JavaScript output in console XMLHttpRequest cannot load{}. Request header field Authorization is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response. If someone can provide a solution or enhance the code. Answer Pass the username and password in the data

How to retrieve full profile of linkedin user via Javascript API

I am trying to retrieve the full profile (especially job history and educational qualifications) of a linkedin user via the Javascript API. I have managed to piece together the following code from google and stack overflow: This manages to retrieve the logged in user’s name and surname after they grant access. However it completely fails to retrieve anything else. I

Uploading a file via Yammer API

I’m able to post a message but when I add either the attachment or pending_attachment, I get an error saying: TypeError: ‘stepUp’ called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLInputElement. Answer yammer’s javascript SDK doesn’t work with attachment. (at least no working example has been seen on the internet) To upload an attachment, you can either upload the

How to extract url data from Reddit API using JSON

I’m trying to extract the image post URLs from a subreddit feed, and render <img> elements on my page. Been trying to hack together the .getJSON() Flickr example from the jQuery Docs for a while now and I’m not getting anywhere. Code in question: In the body, I have the element: div#images I understand that I need to use JSONP,
