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Tag: angularjs

Multiple directives asking for template on

Error: [$compile:multidir] Multiple directives [statbox, statbox] asking for template on: (On console) Inside index.html Inside dashboard.module.js Inside dashboard.component.js Inside statbox.component.js And inside app.js Inside dashboard.template.html Inside statbox.template.html What am I doing wrong and why do I get this multiple directives error? Whenever I comment out <script src=”js/dashboard/statbox.component.js”></script> from the index.html everything works but statbox controller is not getting loaded. (Full

Find missing day from array of dates javascript

I am getting an array of day dates from an API: In this example the array is missing this date: What is the best way to find a missing day from an array of dates in Javascript or Angular? So that I later would be able to pass it to a datepicker as a disabled day. Answer Check this out:

cannot access objects inside service response

When I tried to access the JSON response I cannot access the object. I need to get the target and datapoint objects and after that I need to iterate the dataPoint array. is undefined in the above case. Controller: JSON response that I am receiving: Answer Response is an array, so you have to use an index. Example

Show “All”, “Multiple” or “one” based on number of dropdown selections in Angularjs

I have a checkbox list of locations which comes up in a pop-up allowing them to select one, multiple or all location. The default label of dropdown is “Select Locations”. How do I handle following scenarios: Display “All” in the dropdown selection if user selects “select all” from the list. Display “Multiple” if user selects more than one location. Display
