I have used a function to convert the numbers to lakhs and crores which works fine for numbers which doesn’t have minus sign before but if the number has minus sign it doesn’t get changed.I have tried to convert the number into string and replaced the string and then made it to check but it didn’t works. I need the
Tag: angularjs
Multiple directives asking for template on
Error: [$compile:multidir] Multiple directives [statbox, statbox] asking for template on: (On console) Inside index.html Inside dashboard.module.js Inside dashboard.component.js Inside statbox.component.js And inside app.js Inside dashboard.template.html Inside statbox.template.html What am I doing wrong and why do I get this multiple directives error? Whenever I comment out <script src=”js/dashboard/statbox.component.js”></script> from the index.html everything works but statbox controller is not getting loaded. (Full
How to programmatically scroll to bottom of a div while using Simplebar js
I am using Simplebar and angular 1 and I need to scroll to the bottom of a chatbox (div) whenever there is a new message or when you click on the menu item. Here is my scroll function in my chatController.js And here is my html I’m gaining this error: I am also using a flexbox layout to keep the
curl: What’s the difference between -d and –data-binary options?
I’m trying to send a post request to a REST API. I noticed that everything works fine when I pass parameters with -d option in curl. Example: However, if a send parameters as a json object and using –data-binary, I receive an error from the Api (as if no parameters were received). Example: I thought the two approaches had the
Find missing day from array of dates javascript
I am getting an array of day dates from an API: In this example the array is missing this date: What is the best way to find a missing day from an array of dates in Javascript or Angular? So that I later would be able to pass it to a datepicker as a disabled day. Answer Check this out:
ng-change increment and decrement value in ng-repeat loop
I have a code like this: In this code when check the checkbox the count will be incremented. Here how to i check if checkbox is ticked, then only incremented, otherwise if untick, it will decremented. Please anyone help. Answer try changing ng-change .
How to Create html table like structure using fabric js?
I am trying to build schema builder similar to vertabelo. I’m using fabric.js for interactions. How can i create html table like structure where i can add columns and their types as shown in the image. Answer Use Html Table inside svg as shown below and convert it into image and use it as fabric object
Tips for client server communication for website with loads of images
I want to build comic book reading website that it has thousands of images on the server. Each series has hundreds of chapters and each chapter has tens of images. So I want to display these images on my website. How can we do this with less effort? I am using AngularJS for the frontend, and for the API its
cannot access objects inside service response
When I tried to access the JSON response I cannot access the object. I need to get the target and datapoint objects and after that I need to iterate the dataPoint array. result.target is undefined in the above case. Controller: JSON response that I am receiving: Answer Response is an array, so you have to use an index. Example
Show “All”, “Multiple” or “one” based on number of dropdown selections in Angularjs
I have a checkbox list of locations which comes up in a pop-up allowing them to select one, multiple or all location. The default label of dropdown is “Select Locations”. How do I handle following scenarios: Display “All” in the dropdown selection if user selects “select all” from the list. Display “Multiple” if user selects more than one location. Display