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Tag: angularjs

How to run Js inside Component

I want to add a parallax effect to a html element in my template html. I have written the code to do this, but not sure about where to implement it to run every time the page scrolls. I tried Adding this to the ngDoCheck function, but it worked only once. How to do it? Answer Angular Provides Host Listeners

How to add validation. in input field in AngularJS?

could you please tell me how to add validation. in input field in angular js ? Actually I am making a form which is generated by json .I already add validation of required .if user submitted blank value it show “red border” .But I need more validation like User will not enter “digits” or (123) in user name and last

Check for scrollTo to finish

I have an element that is scrollable. I also have a function that scrolls to a specific position. I would like to call a function when the scrollTo is finished. Plunkr example Answer By checking the position of the element I am scrolling to and comparing that to the current scroll position of the container you can see when the

Angular newbie, non responsive dynamic table

I’m really really new to Angular, I’m trying to understand it in 2 days time and I’m extremely lost in what I am doing. I am trying to build a dynamic table but it’s not being responsive at all. Technically, none of my Angular codes are working. JS: HTML: The data is not populated by the arrays I have

How can i remove or hide the category name in amchart bar chart

I need to remove the category field from the bar chart.Please suggest me how can i do this. if i make labels inside false it is coming in left side.i need to remove it completely from the bar. also check this jsFiddle Please check the image what i required exactly Answer You can hide category axis labels by setting
