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Tag: amazon-web-services

Can we use GitLab as host for source code with AWS CDK pipeline?

I have a repository in GitLab (Lambda Functions) and want to work with the AWS CDK pipeline ( to develop CI/CD pipeline. In AWS CDK docs there is nowhere mention about Gitlab. Will really appreciate it if someone can confirm this. Answer Only Bitbucket, GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Server actions are supported natively with codepipelines at the moment. You will need

How to use DynamoDB batchGet command

I created a “Movie” DynamoDB table from AWS DynamoDB tutorial posted at with the attribute below: Now I want to use the batchGet command: And running it with: But I am getting the error: Why does the provided year as a key element does not match the schema? How to avoid this error and make it work? Below is

React-Router locations on AWS s3 bucket do not work

I have my static react app hosted in an AWS s3 bucket. It renders fine. However, I am utilizing react-router-dom to navigate between “pages.” (I have enabled public access, enabled static website hosting, listed my index document as index.html). For example, my bucket website endpoint is http://< When I click on one of my navigation buttons which links to http://<,
