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Tag: amazon-dynamodb

Resource not found querying dynamodb

I am trying to access a DynamoDb table, but I keep getting a “Resource not found” error. The table is defined as follows, note that the table is Active and the Region is Paris (eu-west-3) The code I am using: And, in the console, it shows that the then method has been executed, but the message printed is {Code: ‘ResourceNotFound’,

Getting error when executing a lambda function – Parameter “userId” has value with no field set

I guess I am making a silly coding mistake, but have been trying for more than a day. I am trying to insert records onto aurora table with the parameters received as a stream from dynamodb table. I cant seem to set the parameters on the params object correctly. I want the sql statement and the parameters on the params

How to use DynamoDB batchGet command

I created a “Movie” DynamoDB table from AWS DynamoDB tutorial posted at with the attribute below: Now I want to use the batchGet command: And running it with: But I am getting the error: Why does the provided year as a key element does not match the schema? How to avoid this error and make it work? Below is

What is the proper syntax to get() entries where the sort key begins with a substring using AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient in NodeJS?

What is the proper syntax to query database entries whose sort key starts with a specific string? I believe it’s something along the lines of Followed by a dynamoDb.get(query_params, …, but that is not quite right. I am getting an ValidationException: The provided key element does not match the schema error. Answer According to the SDK query documentation, your query

DynamoDB FilterExpression with multiple condition javascript

I have a table with partition key and sort key also 2 other columns. I am unable to get items using FilterExpression for multiple conditions with AND in DynamoDB using javaScript AWS SDK. Can anyone provide correct code to retrieve data with multiple conditions in FilterExpression? My code is as follows: Answer There is typo error in the format in
