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Tag: addeventlistener

Calling .addEventListener(); inside a function fails to actually create said event listener

I’ve been using the line canvas.addEventListener(“click”, funcName, false); without issue for my program, but recently I decided that I would sometimes like to remove said event listener and replace it with another one canvas.addEventListener(“click”, difFuncName, false); so I created 4 functions that could be called by my other java script files. 2 functions to add both these event listeners and

Hide Twitch iFrame If Channel Not Live

We have a site embedding Twitch streams. They have events for a channel going offline. So when a stream is live, then it goes offline, I can essentially then hide the iframe. However, I’m wanting to have it so if when the page is loaded, and the channel is already offline, the iframe doesn’t show. Any ideas and thoughts much

addEventListener firing multiple times for the same handle when passing in arguments with anonymous function

For some reason, the event listener is firing twice for each element when passing arguments into an anonymous function. I.e., the click event on element el will register once and, thus, fire once. But if I want to pass my own arguments to it, it will register and fire twice. The question is why and what’s the solution? I looked

call addEventListener in loop with variable

I am new to JavaScript. I have a 6 elements that I want to equip with very similar event listeners. I have a working brute force solution that I want to improve, but (I think) I have trouble with JavaScript closures. Working code: I a simple loop that did not work, when I found and understand why it could
