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What are namespaces in HTML?

It’s pretty straightforward I am trying to understand the namespaces in HTML. What’s the difference between using these two commands. Why should be used createElementNS over createElement? Resources: Answer Namespaces make it possible for different types of XML¹ to have the same tag with different meanings. Here’s an excerpt from Namespaces crash course on MDN: It has

How to find a document with an array of strings based on if it has items in common with a reference array of string?

Given a reference array of strings: [“Comedy”, “Horror”, “Romance”], I would like to query a Movie model with this schema: Such that I will get results where I will get Movies with categories in common with the reference array, sorted by the amount of elements it has in common with the reference array. For example: Note that Movie A is

react-redux: actions do not change the store

I’m building a react app with redux and I have a problem. I have a component connected to the redux store and even though I dispatch actions those actions are not received from the reducer thus the state won’t change. Here’s the code of the component: Here’s the filters.js file in the store: Everything looks fine, even console.log the action
