I’m getting the following when I try to do an npx create-next-app: I’m trying to work through some training that doesn’t use TypeScript, but it won’t let me select No for an answer. I don’t understand why it asks the question. Another PC of mine doesn’t ask me about TypeScript, so it must be a configuration issue. Answer create-next-app behaves
Is it valid to use the “return” keyword in a useEffect to stop code execution?
I was debating with a collegue today about using the “return” key in a useEffect to stop code execution. I have learned that using return should only be done in a cleanup. The issue: The way I see this is that we should perhaps have yet another useEffect that only execute if the state is false and not use the
No component being rendered on router.push(‘/page’) unless reloaded
On successful login, I’m embedding the user token in browser cookies and using router.push(‘/dashboard’) to take the user to his dashboard, but the ‘/dashboard’ page is not rendering any components unless I trigger a reload, on which all the components are rendered on the screen. Code block from /login page: Code block from /dashboard page: which on first returns a
Login function : Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]
enter image description here I’m trying to login as a user on my website and it’s giving me this error, I can register the user and search for it in the login as many times as I want if the password and username are correct, however when there is an error in the user name or password it happens this
Avoiding circular dependencies
I have 2 classes like so. and I understand we should never do this, as this is circular dependency. The problem is, this is the reality. We’re using neo4j, and can get back Risk with Mitigations, or a Mitigation with Risks. How do I approach this case? Answer You can use interfaces instead of a class. Interfaces don’t have implementation
how to format cloudinary sort_by parameter to prevent error
hello stack overflow community, I’m fetching my images from cloudinary and the post request is working fine, until I add the sort_by parameter to the URL. This will lead to an error based on the sort format. The official documentation describes the valid format as following: “An array of string values representing a key value pair, where the key is
caching using jquery deferred versus promise
I currently have some code using jQuery Deferred and ajax to call remote api and get the data and put in localStorage and get data from localStorage. This code seems buggy the first time it runs (i.e. it doesn’t render the data until browser refresh) but it works perfectly after that until the cache expires and same problem again the
I have simple MVC APP which makes HttpGet request and passes array of 7 random unknown numbers into View [ SOLVED]
I started a MVC app which has a basic task to create 7 random numbers from 0 to 9 at positions between 1 and 7 inclusive (never starting with 0). At first the numbers are changed with “X” marks. When the user attempts to click on “Submit” button and if he managed to guess correctly one number on a given
Need to do API calls on Array of data and get the response Angular
I want to implement a logic where if there is no network connectivity then i am storing the data in frontend in local storage and whenever got connected to network then I want to do api call on the this array of data from local storage. And if call is success then remove this item from storage and continue the
I’ll upload a WebGL rendered Canvas with toDataURL and imgurAPI, but it will be an image that will be a black image
I would appreciate any and all wisdom you can give me. Thank you in advance. Assumptions I wrote a Javascript game using a game engine called Phaser.js. Issue. [ ] When accessing the URL in the response, an image that is only black is displayed. Response content from imgurAPI {“id”:”dwdGkep”,”title”:null,”description”:null,”datetime”:1672621440,”type”:”image/png”,”animated”:false,”width”:800,”height”:800,”size”:12914,”views”:0,”bandwidth”:0,”vote”:null,”favorite”:false,”nsfw”:null,”section”:null,”account_url”:null,”account_id”:0,”is_ad”:false,”in_most_viral”:false,”has_sound”:false,”tags”:[],”ad_type”:0,”ad_url”:””,”edited”:”0″,”in_gallery”:false,”deletehash”:”445HisfrUgBgogT”,”name”:””,”link”:”https://i.imgur.com/dwdGkep.png”},”success”:true,”status”:200} Since “success”:true, “status”:200, the upload process itself seems to be