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Map a new key-value pair into an array of objects

I would like to add a new key-value pair to all objects within my data. The structure looks like this: As a new key-value pair, I would like to add “logged-in”: true/false. To get this data, I use another service. And then I map the true/false values into a variable. Then, I would like to push these key-value pairs into

Decode constructor arguments in solidity

I playing Ethernaut Level 8. The goal is to get access to the private password state variable and unlock the contract. I know one could use await contract.unlock(await web3.eth.getStorageAt(contract.address, 1));, but I want to find the password decoding the input data of the contract creation. Here is the contract. I tried await contract.unlock(“f94b476063b6379a3c8b6c836efb8b3e10ede188”) but that didn’t work. Answer If the

Correct way of converting unicode to emoji

I’m using String.formCodePoint to convert Unicode to emoji, but some emojis don’t convert as expected. They display like line icons. Please check the example below, first two emojis render correctly, but the last two don’t. for example: Result: Answer Your code is not correct. Old Emoji are not coloured by default, so you need to add the variation code ‘fe0f`.

Access most recent value in JSON nested object with JS

I’m trying to access the most recent element in the Time Series (5 min) object, without having to specify the date/time, after using this JS code: So in this case (see screenshot) it’s Time Series (5 min) > 2022-04-21 20:00:00 -> 4. close, but I get an undefined error. I even tried in the developer console with the full JSON

Conflict between onmouseover and onmouseout when using inline

I am trying to just get a small css change done based on user moving mouse on or off an element. The onMouseOver event works fine, but when I try to reset the css after the user moves the mouse off using onMouseOut nothing appears to happen. Here is a fiddle: And here is the code: Answer You just
