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Some phone numbers do not receive otp sms message with Firebase phone auth

I am experiencing unpredictable behaviour when authenticating users with firebase phone Auth for web, with the javascript modular web api. These are my dependencies: “@firebase/auth”: “^0.19.11”, “firebase”: “^9.6.8”, I have tested approximately 20 real phone numbers and some test numbers and for most of the time it works fine. But for some it fails to send the OTP code, without

make a div show on page load

This is a navigation toggler that toggles between showing different divs id=(home, profile,deposit,withdrawal). I need the div id=home to show by default immediately the page loads. Answer I made a function that takes one String argument. Hiding all divs, and after then set the display of the first div that the id is equal the given string. At initialization the

CSS Printing Properties using Textarea

I have to print several textarea elements in my code. Here is an example of one: I would like the text to be printed on the same line as Division and push the text to the next line once it runs out of space. How would I fix this issue? Answer I correct the HTML part, because there were some

MongoDB match expression query not working

MongoDb query match expression not working. I have a posts collection and want to return only those posts which match the user Id of the user who created it but my query does not seem to be working. Sample Dataset MongoDb Query:- Query Output:- The query does not work output contains posts created by all users it is not filtering.
