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Fixed Positioned Div Inside another Div

I have one div position:fixed; and my problem is that position fixed is relatively to all the page, I need that the fixed div stays inside other div that is centered in the page with margins in auto.(So when I scroll down the page I want to see always the div in the same position). I use the jquery plugin

How to Sort a JS Object Literal?

If I have this JS object literal: How can I create a new, sorted object literal: Answer Re: How to sort a JS Object? Answer: You can’t. So instead, you need a more sophisticated data structure. You have many options: You can use a separate array to hold the order of the object’s keys. (This is what @Felix Kling’s answer

JS Busy loading indicator ignore middle click

My busy loading indicator basically works by detecting clicks. However, I just noted that when I middle click an item, it opens a link in a new tab and then the loading indicator shows up forever. How can I tell JS to ignore the middle mouse button? Answer You can try to, but it won’t work very well with all
