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convert datetime to string using AJAX

Guys I would like to ask for your help I have here a Get Method using AJAX I successfully get the date from database this is the output 2020-08-13T00:00:00 however I wanted to convert the date format to this 2020-08-13 how can I convert the the datetime? below is my code /Get/ $(document).ready(function () { }) Thank you for your

D3.js v5 – appending lines about a circle from length of array

I want to make a visual that shows ordinal data (ratings). There are 12 rating dimensions, and each rating will have its own dedicated line appended to a circle. The polar orientation of the line designates a category (i.e. lines pointing to 1 o’clock = category 1, 2 o’clock = category 2, and so forth). The length of the line

How to loop through complex JSON tree data?

Problem: I am given JSON tree data that looks something like below: The objective is to take the json object and its id and find matching object with id. let’s just assume its been parsed so it’s treated like an object. Basically, I don’t know how deeply each set of id and name is nested. So I know I would

ChartJS Separate Labels for each dataset/independent datasets?

I’m essentially attempting to create a bar chart with 2-8 items where the label on the bottom/legend is the short product code(ex: 4380) and mousing over the bar shows the full SKU/product name. I have gotten it mostly working but my implementation goes one of two undesirable ways. The data points all combine into the first product number/chart label. The

Callback when Keyboard Dismiss in React Native

I have a date picker and a text input in my screen. To avoid ugly transitions, I want to dismiss the keyboard before showing the date picker. Currently, as I don’t know how to invoke a callback when the Keyboard is dismissed, I am doing something like this: This works, but this solution has a problem… If the keyboard was
