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Author: admin@master

How do I use $addToSet with objects in mongodb?

I want to push only unique objects into an array with $addToSet. My userSchema has a field bankDetails which should take an array of objects: I am updating the schema using the following controller function: The data is saving correctly but Mongo auto generates an _id field every time so technically none of the objects are unique and the objects

Can I export two dataTables into a single pdf with pdfmake

HTML I want to export the below two dataTables into a single pdf with single export button. Both the dataTables have different columns so it cannot be merged. CSS Java Script I want make changes in this dataTable jQuery functions in such a way that if I click on single button both the dataTables data should be exported in same

D3 element not showing up in DOM

I’m using this Observable post to create a calendar heatmap with D3.js. My problem is that the calendar is not appearing once it has been created. I have a demo set up on StackBlitz that is set up as suggested in the blog post. I’m not sure if I missed something in the post or if something isn’t set up

JavaScript Date setTime one liner [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 5 months ago. Improve this question Real simple question! I’m trying to create a google chart using datetime objects,

Bootstrap tabs inside Owl carousel

I’ve seen a lot of questions about placing an Owl carousel control inside a Bootstrap tab pane. For instance, Owl Carousel not working inside Bootstrap Tabs and Owl Carousel broken inside tab panel. I’d like to implement the opposite: to place Bootstrap tab panes inside a slide (div) within Owl carousel. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work: clicking on a button group
