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Tag: webrtc

How can I get iOS to have 2 video streams?

Right now if I use my iPhone or iPad and try to display two streams, one is black and the other works. What can I do to get both working? This works fine on all browsers with my laptop. Answer Safari on iOS does not support more than a single active camera at a time. is the most recent

How to detect a frozen video stream in WebRTC

Unfortunately, from time to time when making a one-on-one video call using react-native-webrtc one of the two video streams freezes or becomes black. Is there a way to detect when that happens programmatically? Thx in advance! Answer It looks like each video track has a listener that fires as soon as the stream freezes. In react native it’s the onmute

is there any way to send webrtc frame to python script?

I created first web app(python and django) which shows client’s webcam frames This is my video.js However, I want to use client’s webcam frame as an input to my machine learning script(python .py) file. In local, it was easily done via opencv and numpy. But in web, I cannot feed frames to ML model. Any suggestions? Answer webrtc is a

Screen sharing issue in WebRTC/nodejs with

im working on a vidoe conferencing application and I cant seem to get the screen sharing working getting an error “mediaTypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘getSender’)”. The screensharing is able to start but nothing is being shared This is my server file. Codes for screensharing where there seem to be an issue with getSender Github link for the

Why onnegotiationneeded is triggered only once?

I am adding tracks to my peer and the first time onnegotiationneeded is triggered just fine. However, upon adding more tracks onnegotiationneeded is not triggered therefore the new tracks are not showing any effect. This is the main part of the code I am working with : Answer It turns out that onnegotiationneeded only fires once at removeTrack or addTrack

Request video during PeerJs ongoing live connection (stream)

I am new to PeerJs and recently starting developing an app for my school during this Covid pandemic. I have been able to deploy code to NodeJs server with express and was able to establish connection between 2 users. But the problem arises when video is turned off from the beginning of stream for both users and a user wants

Can I use PeerJS without a PeerJS Server?

I am trying to make peer-to-peer browser apps with PeerJS, which is a wrapper for the browser technology WebRTC. I spent several hours reading documentation and googling, but I still have no clue what the PeerJS Server is doing. The documentation of WebRTC mentions STUN and – in certain cases – TURN servers to be required for WebRTC, but there

Open Multiple Video Camera in a web Page

I have a web page that is trying to play multiple video stream from two web cam that is attached with the system. Three Cameras attached with my system , one in an in-build camera in the system, second is a usb camera and third is a droid cam client. I can’t play video from system cam and usb cam
