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Tag: peerjs

Request video during PeerJs ongoing live connection (stream)

I am new to PeerJs and recently starting developing an app for my school during this Covid pandemic. I have been able to deploy code to NodeJs server with express and was able to establish connection between 2 users. But the problem arises when video is turned off from the beginning of stream for both users and a user wants

Can I use PeerJS without a PeerJS Server?

I am trying to make peer-to-peer browser apps with PeerJS, which is a wrapper for the browser technology WebRTC. I spent several hours reading documentation and googling, but I still have no clue what the PeerJS Server is doing. The documentation of WebRTC mentions STUN and – in certain cases – TURN servers to be required for WebRTC, but there

Getting a PeerServer key

The PeerJS Documentation says The ‘key’ we’re passing in to the Peer constructor is a PeerServer cloud API key. You can use ours for now, but you should sign up for your own free key. However, the given link just leads to this page, which doesn’t have instructions on how to get a PeerServer key. So, How do I get
