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Tag: web

Vue dynamic component loading problem with Nginx deployment

I have the following situation: I have a component in my vue app that dynamically loads components depending on an API query. Here is my template: Here is my script part So basically the app dynamically loads a given component depending on some string. This works perfectly fine on my dev environment, however if i try to deploy it in

Puppeteer , bringing back blank array

I’m trying to grab products from ebay and open them on amazon. So far, I have them being searched on amazon but I’m struggling with getting the products selected from the search results. Currently its outputting a blank array and im not sure why. Have tested in a separate script without the grabTitles and the for loop. So im guessing

search for value in json and return the main key [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 12 months ago. Improve this question i have a json with structure like this Now if I search for

Dropdown on click doing nothing

I am just starting JS, so this may be a stupid question. I want to make a dropdown, where if you pick one option the related paragraph would be visible. I didn’t really know how to start this so I created the cars function to make the “e38value” paragraph visible when clicking the e38 button, but nothing happens when I

Why I can’t add “keydown” event on td >p element?

I want to trigger some action when user press a key inside a p tag inside a td element, here is the HTML of a “td” on my table. The problem is that when I add the keydown event to every paragraph element I don’t see any response. Here is how I did it. I had some other “keydown” events

What’s wrong with the animation for the menu?

Okay so basically I have to do an internet site for school with HTML but only javascript animation, all the code work proprely but when I want to transform the three lines I use for my hamburger menu into a cross with a javascript animation nothing is happening and I really don’t know why. If someone can help me I
