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Tag: vuex

Vuejs problems with implement a global confirm dialog feature

I’m implementing a global confirm dialog feature. For example: The confirm dialog will open when a user clicks a “publish” button to publish an article. The user clicks the publish button triggers the function “openConfirmDialog()”. Show the confirm dialog. Wait for the user to click the “confirm” button. The function( onConfirm() ) in “confirmDialog.vue” will be triggered when the confirm

Using external Vue component after build

I’m trying to make a website with plugins, the admin panel is all Vue.js, and I want the plugin to be an external component (Rating.vue, AdsConnect.vue), how I can do that, and is that possible? I think that the Eval function can help me, but I really don’t know; and, in case I can’t use external components, can I use

Vue.js infinite loop on component re-render [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question

Vuex-persist throws Uncaught TypeError: s is not a function

Here is my code: I don’t know exactly what the problem is, maybe someone knows how to fix it! it says Uncaught TypeError: s is not a function | vuex-persist.js 1:657 Answer I ran into a similar issue recently as well. It seems to me that the newest build is unstable and is causing this issue. If you’re updating directly

Nuxt + Vuex + Computed Property

I am currently trying Nuxt.js with Vuex. And I Built a simple form, where I have an email field, a password field and a button. All my state, mutations and actions are working as they should be. But When I created a computed property just to validate the password, I always have an error with an if statement to validate

VUEX, what to do when $store.state is null

When users are not logged into my website, the state of user is set to null. However, this throws up a lot of issues on some pages where i look to see if this.$store.user For example, if I were to have a simple check such as and the user is not logged in (thus, setting the state of user to

“Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers” error even after using computed var for prop

With the following component, I am getting an Error: [vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers. error: For reference, here is headers.js: and BaseTableColumn.vue: The issue happens here: However, if I follow the docs like so: I still get the errors, specifically in the updated() hook and the highlightFirst() method, even though I’m not referencing or mutating
