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Tag: vue-router

How do I target all items in a list, when a change occurs in Vue.js?

I’m building a site that uses Vue for to power the majority of the UI. The main component is a list of videos that is updated whenever a certain URL pattern is matched. The main (video-list) component looks largely like this: The filterPostsByCategory() method does its job switching between the various possible categories, and instantly updating the list, according to

Vue.js transition between items created with v-for

I’m cloning a flash app ( using vue and I need to create transitions between items created with v-for. I’ve got transitions working between different components on my App.vue However, within Module1.vue I’m generating slides using v-for Is it possible to dynamically create router links for each item generated within the module and transition to them from one

Async components Vue 2

I’m trying to use async components. Here is my configuration: Vue 2 using Single File Component approach Webpack 2 Vue Router The app is pretty basic, I have an “everyone” section contained in App and an “admin” section contained in Admin. I would like to load the component and all the .js related to the Admin if and only if

Vue $route is not defined

I’m learning Vue router. And I want to made programmatic navigation without using <router-link> in templates file. My router and view: So by default I push to ‘allVideos’ route and inside that component I have a button and method for redirecting to ”editVideo’ button: method: It works fine. But when I try to get id inside a VideoEdit component using

Vue.js Routing with back button

I already use this Vue.js Routing example application. In the src/main.js I have so much data value . Now with i set the token to “sdawdda2d2ada2ad22ad” When application start than the currentRoute is equal with “/” Its okey, the first page loaded. src/routes.js When i want to check the /about (url: localhost:8080/about), than its works good , but the
