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Tag: vue.js

Why watcher is better than computed to perform asynchronous or expensive operations in response to changing data in vue.js?

Documentation of Vue.js says: Using the watch option allows us to perform an asynchronous operation (accessing an API), limit how often we perform that operation, and set intermediary states until we get a final answer. None of that would be possible with a computed property. While on the same page, we can see that computed property uses a function the

Build typescript vue apps with only babel?

How can I transpile and build my typescript vue app with only babel? I used the vue-cli-service extensively but reached a point where I just need a minimal setup, without webpack or anything. My .babelrc My package.json dependencies: My entry main.ts file: My App.vue My build script: Answer Unfortunately you cannot build with babel, as it only transpiles languages and

How to use Vue 3 & Add Plugin Boostrap-vue?

I try using Vue 3, but I look can’t using Vue.use(exampleplugin) again. I using command vue add bootstrap-vue after generate vue create project. And on plugin bootstrap-vue warning with code: Output warning terminal: warning in ./src/plugins/bootstrap-vue.js “export ‘default’ (imported as ‘Vue’) was not found in ‘vue’ warning in ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/esm/utils/vue.js “export ‘default’ (imported as ‘Vue’) was not found in ‘vue’ What’s

Vue-router change query dynamically in navigation stepper

There is this project I’m working on and I’m stuck. I want when I click next step button the route becomes and so on. I’m using Vue.js and vue-router. How do I make this happen? I have included the router.js and a screenshot if necessary. router.js next handler Answer this.$router.push({ path:this.$route.path, query: { step: this.current } })

Skeleton loader component

I’m new to VueJS, and I’m coming to you to find out if what I’ve done is feasible or not. Instead of having old data, while loading components, I prefer to display a preloader. I liked the idea of a skeletons loader, rather than a simple spinner. Right now I have a state in the store, which is null by
