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Tag: vue.js

Vue.js: define a service

I’m looking at Vue.js as an alternative to Angular and I really like it so far. To get a feeling for it, I’m refactoring an existing Angular project to a Vue project. I’m just at the point where I need to communicate with my REST API. In Angular I used to define a service for that, that was injected into

Disable input conditionally (Vue.js)

I have an input: and in my Vue.js component, I have: validated being a boolean, it can be either 0 or 1, but no matter what value is stored in the database, my input is always disabled. I need the input to be disabled if false, otherwise it should be enabled and editable. Update: Doing this always enables the input

In Vue, can I transfer props?

Imagine I have a <progress-bar> UI component and I want to create an <app-progress-bar> component that is the same as the <progress-bar> but with some style tweaks. AppProgressBar.vue: <template> <progress-bar class=”app-progress-bar”></progress-bar> </template> This will break because <progress-bar> requires a percent prop. So I can pass it in: <progress-bar class=”app-progress-bar” percent=”percent”></progress-bar> This seems fine, but is brittle when <progress-bar> has many

Detect click outside element

How can I detect a click outside my element? I’m using Vue.js so it’s gonna be outside my templates element. I know how to do it in Vanilla JS, but I’m not sure if there’s a more proper way to do it, when I’m using Vue.js? This is the solution for Vanilla JS: Javascript Detect Click event outside of div

forEach is not a function error with JavaScript array

I’m trying to make a simple loop: But I get the following error: VM384:53 Uncaught TypeError: parent.children.forEach is not a function Even though parent.children logs: What could be the problem? Note: Here’s a JSFiddle. Answer First option: invoke forEach indirectly The parent.children is an Array like object. Use the following solution: The parent.children is NodeList type, which is an Array

Giving a value to a href in a anchor tag with Vue

Sounds dumb but I can’t find a way to pass a variable data defined in the href: ComponentFile.vue I tried all of those: What is the correct way? Thanks! Answer You’ve defined data() as a function, but it isn’t returning anything. It should return an object with the data like so: Then either of these will work: EDIT FOR VUE

DOM element to corresponding vue.js component

How can I find the vue.js component corresponding to a DOM element? If I have Is there a vue method equivalent to the jQuery Answer The proper way to do with would be to use the v-el directive to give it a reference. Then you can do this.$$[reference]. Update for vue 2 In Vue 2 refs are used for both
