I have a navigation drawer child component inside my parent component. MainComponent.vue Now, in the child component (Navigation drawer), I tried to call a function from the MainComponent by doing: I have a similar parent-child component that calls a function from parent to child, but I don’t know why this one gives me an error saying: TypeError: this.$parent._appendUseris not a
Tag: vue-component
Use Vue.js 3 fragments with render function
How should I use Vue 3 fragments with render functions? shouldn’t the following code work? Answer Yes that syntax is correct for defining fragments in render functions : this is equivalent to : LIVE DEMO
Using external Vue component after build
I’m trying to make a website with plugins, the admin panel is all Vue.js, and I want the plugin to be an external component (Rating.vue, AdsConnect.vue), how I can do that, and is that possible? I think that the Eval function can help me, but I really don’t know; and, in case I can’t use external components, can I use
Await functions but do them synchrony, then call the last function
So I am working with Vue, Node and typescript. I am fetching data that all my other functions are needing, so getDataForFunction123() needs an await and its fine. Then I have 3 functions that is fetching different stuff, not depending on each other. But all answers is used by the last function updateAfterFunction123IsDone(). But when I have it like now,
Null boolean props if not given in Vue?
In a Vue component, I have this: If I call my component without foo: I read false on the console. I would like to get null if the property is not given and the boolean value elsewhere. How can I get this? Answer You could add default value :
Image height is reset to 0 after upgrading to Vue 3
I have the following image definition. Template: JS: This code works well with Vue 2. Note that the height of the image is set directly in the image. Problem: After I upgraded to Vue 3, the images height is set to 0 in the rendered component. Here is what it generates: Question: How to make Vue 3 correctly render height
Vue 3: computed property doesn’t track its dependency in composition API
Consider this illustrative example: As you can see, message stores a computed value that should track updates to name but it isn’t. Why is it like that and how to fix it? Answer Computed should always use an immutable reactive ref object you want to be computed. so if you declare the reactive objects you are using at the beginning
Call methods of vue.js 3 single file component in script tag
Lets say i have a single file component like this: is there a way to access methods(in this case ‘colorize’) outside of ‘export default’?(in this case ‘window.onload’ event Answer You can move the event listener definition to created lifecycle method, i.e. into the component definition, where you can access colorize with this.colorize:
Build typescript vue apps with only babel?
How can I transpile and build my typescript vue app with only babel? I used the vue-cli-service extensively but reached a point where I just need a minimal setup, without webpack or anything. My .babelrc My package.json dependencies: My entry main.ts file: My App.vue My build script: Answer Unfortunately you cannot build with babel, as it only transpiles languages and
Vue-router change query dynamically in navigation stepper
There is this project I’m working on and I’m stuck. I want when I click next step button the route becomes http://icontent.me/app/employer/make-order?step=1 and so on. I’m using Vue.js and vue-router. How do I make this happen? I have included the router.js and a screenshot if necessary. router.js next handler Answer this.$router.push({ path:this.$route.path, query: { step: this.current } })