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Tag: validation

(Javascript) oninput with numbercheck

I’m trying to make a simple inventory systems. But I’m having problem with my oninput event. I want to make TOTAL GOODS to be “Please input number in GOODS IN ” whenever every non number value inserted into GOODS IN. But it seems I can’t make it so. Answer Just add type = “number” in the input label for TOTAL

How to check if content of an html element is empty?

I was building a simple PHP login form that contains both required fields and validation. regardless required fields, I want to display an error message for each input element that had not been filled. But I come across a problem on the way. The span element I use for styling does not disappear when there is no content in the

Validating Vue syntax with W3C Validator

I’m doing this course where I can freely select a framework to build a simple application. However, we are to validate the HTML with the W3C validator. I have no idea how. The W3C validator does not support Vue-specific stuff. Errors such as: Is everywhere. And this is just for one line of code. Am I doing something wrong, or

How do I access another field using vuelidate

I’m making some validators on a form for shipping using vuelidate. Currently I’m checcking if the postalCode is in the right format. This field is dependent on the country field though (because different countries have different postal code formats. I’m having trouble accessing the viewmodel itself though, and I don’t get the explanation in vuelidates docs. Currently I’m working with

React email address format validation

I’m building a portal where students from only 6 universities can participate so I need a way to limit the email address type to these 6 universities for example emails ending with How do I implement this in React with the form validation set to characters and on clicking on of these formats from the dropdown the email is

Insert Only One Record In MYSQL database using php

i am working on a project where i want to insert only one record in a specific time. For Example: in the project client rate a contractor only once.(when the construction is in working) once he rated he cannot rate second time whatsoever. I checked online but didn’t find what i am looking for. Now I have 2 Ideas. 1-
