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Tag: typescript

How to access array elements in angular

From an API, I’m trying to get data using httpModule. Here is my code When I use async and await, it says that await has no effect. An undefined is getting assigned to the variable this.output. How can I make this work? Also, How can I get access to a variable from the below response array? here I need to

convert js into typescript into angular 8

Below code is working fine in javascript. But when i tried the same in Angular 8 I am getting lot of error Errors signUpButton.addEventListener(‘click’, () => { ~ error TS1003: Identifier expected. please let me know how to convert this into Typescript Answer In Angular, It’s better to not use eventListeners rather use event binding in your HTML code. Your

How to get current screen orientation in iOS Safari?

I am trying to get the current screen orientation of iOS however my function which work on chrome dev tool emulator and desktop but it doesn’t work on iOS. Here is my function: and here is how my program rougthly do to detect the screen orientation change and to use the function: I tried using window.screen.height and window.screen.width however it

Infer does not work in generics as second param

does anyone know why in the second case the infer does not display the desired type? playground Answer Cause Extending this answer, the type inference for generics in class is done based on properties of the class based on type inference from methods. The type of the first generic is inferred correctly inferred from the parameter of the method emit

Not return nested objects

I hav a problem with typeorm, I ahve na queryBuilder like below: why this query return me this data: instead of this: i need to return nested object instead of using alias, can someone tell me how to do this with using queryBuilder? thanks for any help! Answer You have to use getOne not getRawOne.
