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Tag: typescript

Filter array object by type and compare key

I have two arrays, in one (aux) I get key and value. In the second array of objects (result) I have the attribute “correlati” and what I’m looking for is that if the key of the array “aux” is equal to the attribute “correlati” then it pushes that result in a new array that looks like the following : code:

Can’t mock the navigator.language

I’m currently adding unit test for some of shard utils functions. I’m kinda new to unit testing. Currently having hard time to mock some global object. Is there any way to mock/update value of navigator.language? It is always returning en-US. I tried the Object.defineProperty and different jest mock objects. Didn’t work. The thing is, if I console.log(navigator.language) in the test,

Properties missing when working with multiple components

I have these interfaces: My code also has this render method: My IssueButton currently looks like this(work in progress): In line <td><IssueButton policy={this.props.policy} dRow={docRow} /></td> dRow has this error: Type ‘DocRow’ is missing the following properties from type ‘DocRow[]’: length, pop, push, concat, and 26 more.ts(2740) IssueButton.tsx(9, 3): The expected type comes from property ‘dRow’ which is declared here on

Javascript – Sort array of objects by property date

I have the following response from a service: To sort it by date I do the following: But the value of “sortDate” is not correct: Should be: How can i solve it?, thanks Answer The problem is that the comparison function is supposed to return a positive number for if a should be after b, negative if b should be
