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Tag: typescript

UTC issue on formatting date

I have this react typescript/js code: but it’s not working properly. It changes fromDate to the next day when I run it late at night. So I tried on 6/30/2022 at 11pm and it changed it to 7/1/2022. My attempted fix is to use date-fns format function: My question is will this resolve the utc issue? Maybe I should rather

Importing leaflet into module from cdn with typescript support

I’m trying to import leaflet into a javascript module with typescript support but can’t get it to work. I’ve installed @types/leaflet and have tried to following: import ‘’ This works fine in the browser but typescript gives the following error: ‘L’ refers to a UMD global, but the current file is a module. Consider adding an import instead.ts(2686) (I call

Mounting a Components Library in Vue 3

I am new to Vue.js and trying to migrate a Vue.js 2 migration to Vue.js 3. I have read the Vue.js instructions on how to that carefully; however, the application that I need to migrate contains a Component Library out of Vue.js 2 components that I need to mount in the migrated app aswell. This is the Vue.js 2 main.js

NestJs ParseEnumPipe can’t be resolve

I am using the NestJs framework (love it by the way) and I want to check the incoming data so it conforms with an Enum in Typscript. So I have the following: The weird thing is that when I run this code, the first pipe gets compiled What I am doing wrong? Answer You should use @Body(‘action’, new ParseEnumPipe(ProductAction)) action:
