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Tag: twitter-bootstrap

Headroom.js navbrand and navlinks

I am using Headroom.js in my bootstrap website, and so far so good, working fine the way I want. I have a question though: Is there any way to change navbrand and customize navlinks when in “notTop”?! Let me be clearer, When fixed, I use a transparent navbar with a white version of the logo and white navlinks, BUT, when

In my HTML page justify-content-between not working

Sorry for the question, but I am new in bootstrap, in my user.js file I could not make it work to deploy justify-content-between Instead my two elements are next to each other like I used justify-content-start here are my codes: Answer At the end I understand that in my public/index.html file in section had not correct links to bootstrap links.

Bootstrap button plugin conflicting with Vue checkbox click event

When I add bootstrap.min.js to my Vue application my checkboxes @click event is not being initiated. More specifically when using bootstrap’s button-group with data-toggle=”buttons” If I remove bootstrap.min.js then the checkbox click event works as normal. What is causing this? Link to Codepen Bootstrap Button plugin Answer Vue and Jquery are not meant to be together and
