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Tag: twitter-bootstrap

Bootstrap Accordion – Toggle all nested elements

I have a lot of nested bootstrap collapsible elements on a page. As example How can i set a link to toggle all elements only within the parent element? Answer You could add a special class closeall to the buttons, and then toggle the collapse state using jQuery.. Bootstrap 3 Demo: Related questions bootstrap 3 collapse(‘hide’) opens all

capturing enter key in select2

I’m using select2 to present an editable selectbox. When user writes a statement which does not appear in the list(select2, data), I show a button to add this statement to the list. Forcing users to click the button seems to me a little bit frustration. Is it possible to capture enter key in select2? I want to make user able

Bootstrap tab activation with JQuery

I have the following code: And the following script: In this case when the page is ready, the second tab will be activated but I always get a JavaScript error in the line $(‘.tab-pane a[href=”#’ + tab + ‘”]’).tab(); Can anyone help me, please? Answer Applying a selector from the .nav-tabs seems to be working: See this demo. I would
