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Tag: twitter-bootstrap-3

Select2 Closes Modal on Clicking it

I have 7 SELECT2 Elements on my Modal, at first, I was unable to search on the select2 elements. I then added this line of code when I’m about to show the Modal $(‘#my-select’).select2({ dropdownParent: $(‘#my-modal’) }), and I was able to search on the select elements. Now the problem is sometimes when I click on one of the options

Prevent Bootstrap .table-responsive style from cropping a tooltip

I am having some problem with Bootstrap’s table-responsive style. I have tried some code here to make the full tooltip visible. I have tried without .table-responsive class. Without .table-responsive class it works well: I can see the tooltip by hovering on time. But when I add .table-responsive I can’t see the total tooltip. The tooltip appears cropped at the

How to save and close a bootstrap modal?

This question have many answers out there but none of those answers solved my problem. I have a modal with some <select> tags. I am trying to save the values from the select options. after they click Save the modal should close but not submit the result yet because the user still need to review stuff after they click save
