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Tag: tinymce

Can I get away with not using useEffect in this instance?

I’m still learning React and the proper way to do things. In this React project I am using the TinyMCE editor: I want to display a warning message about unsaved changes once the editor has been made “dirty” that is that the user has modified the default content you get on reload. The component that contains the editor has

getting errolist when using htmx and tinymce

Im trying to implement post request with htmx and for rich text editor using tinymce. my form : The error I get : it works just ok when I used the traditional post request with TinyMCE. when I used htmx without TinyMCE its work just fine too. it just when I combine htmx and TinyMCE I get the error. my

TinyMCE some buttons are not showing up

I am trying to add a link/unlink and image button to my TinyMCE editor. Now I have the following code: However its showing an empty first toolbar. Please see my fiddle: JSFiddle Answer You have used two toolbars though the issue seems to be with plugins, try instead using below: DEMO

TinyMCE, show character count instead of word count

The title says it all. How do I get TinyMCE to show character count instead of word count? Answer Write your own plugin. The following solution is based on this article. The charactercount plugin counts the actual characters that the user sees, all HTML and hidden characters are ignored. The number is updated on every “key up” event. Character Count

TinyMCE Image Upload API not showing image picker icon

We followed the instructions on this tutorial but for some reason, the upload button (the search folder icon next to the image URL) on the image dialog does not show: We’ve tried with just the images_upload_url option as well as all the options, but the upload icon never shows: The articles suggest that all you really need is specify

Use tinymce editor only once textarea

I am using tinymce editor and i have 4 textarea in my form when i use tinymce change all my textarea to editor but i want change only one my textarea to editor. it’s my tinymce code: how can do it? thank you Answer Read this article in the TinyMCE manual. Use mode either with specific_textareas or exact. Your initialisation

TinyMCE : Toolbar icons not appearing

I was exploring tiny mce editor for one of my project and what I found out was the Icons in the tool bar are not appearing. It is showing some unicode which the browser is unable to display. Here is the html code for the page: On the other hand if I replace the script with I am able to
