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Tag: syntax-error

TypeError: undefined is not an object(evaluating ‘_$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[9], “../../config/FIREBASE”).FIREBASE.database’)

I have installed Firebase with npm in Firebase, but I don’t know what happens with this error. File FIREBASE.js TambahKontak.js Answer You aren’t using the new Modular/Functional syntax which is included from version 9.0.0+. You would have to rewrite your code to follow the new syntax: If you want to use the existing code (with older syntax) then use compat

Syntax Error: Unexpected Identifier

I made some code that wouldn’t work. An error popped up in the Chrome console saying “Syntax error: Unexpected identifier”. Error is on line 19. Here is the code: Answer from line 17: add a comma on line 18 as @thg435 mentioned
