I have a component called button.tsx, this components holds a function that does certain things when the button is clicked, this.saveSearch triggers the saveSearch() function. button.tsx In sentence.tsx i want to be able to see when this button is clicked and show a certain div if the user has clicked it. sentence.tsx Answer You have a few options: You can
Tag: stenciljs
Vue pass arrow function for input rules to Stancil component
I’m trying to pass arrow function which will work as input rules like in Vuetify https://vuetifyjs.com/en/api/v-input/#rules. So I’m passing rules in array with code: Then I want to check It in Stencil component with console log via watcher but It returns undefined: Answer When you want to pass a rules prop which can be an array or object then you
Stencil js – requestAnimationFrame does not occure in all components
I created a simple catalog item component using stencil.js. In the component there is canvas tag that on it I painted animating curved lines. At the componentDidLoad function, I define the canvas, initialize it and call the animate function. This is the code of the component itself: As you can see, I import the canvas code, here it is: Now,
Is there a way to integrate stencil components into frameworks locally without publishing to NPM?
I am currently testing stencil js. For now I want to write stencil components and include them within a VUE/React project. The official website of stencil already shows how to integrate them within a framework (https://stenciljs.com/docs/overview). But they assume that your own stencil component library has already been published to npm. Is there a way to integrate stencil components locally