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Tag: stack-trace

Trace a Webpack Error/Line Back to its Source Line

Often, if I’m using webpack to compile/transpile code from ES2015 syntax to something my web browser can read (in a single bundle.js file) I’ll end up with an error like this The specific error here isn’t important — what’s important is that Chrome points me towards line 99 of bundle.js, that looks like this (with surrounding lines for context) Is

Stack traces that utilise source mapping

Overview: The stack trace output in the browser console is not the same trace that is returned when Error.stack is called. The console stack trace seems to take into account sourcemaps whereas the Error.stack stack trace does not. Console Output Here is the default stack trace that is output to the console. Error.stack Output Here is the stack trace from

How to trace Javascript events (Stack Trace )?

In any programming language, I can trace any function and know which function is called by other. But in Javascript , I don’t know how, since the code is not written by me and Firebug does not give this feature – as far as I know. An example : I want to display the function names of each function that
