I am developing a realtime chat in nodejs and react and socket io. In theory the chat is working, but the problem is that the sender’s message only appears on the screen when the recipient sends a message too. ex : I have browser 1 and browser 2. Every time browser 1 sends messages, these messages appear on its screen,
Tag: sockets
Receive data continuously from socket react
I’m currently using this code for receiving data from sockets Code: the server sends data(images from camera) continuously. how to receive it without refreshing? i tried one method that requests data every milliseconds. i don’t know whether it is a good way or not Request every milliseconds code: is there any other way to continuously receive data from sockets? Answer
Socket.Io how to emit to all members in a room from a socket instance including the sender
How do I emit to all members of a room from a socket instance? I know I can do io.in(‘room’).emit(‘event’, data); if I have access to the IO instance, but in my case I only have access to the socket of the sender, I store the socket of the user in a user object, and pass it around my code
How to stop running async function on node.js from react application?
React app can run node.js function which preparing data and sending information to the database in batches. It takes a lot of time and I would like to add the ability to stop this function right from react app. I tried a lot of things to include in this function including: while loop: added the variable outside the function –
Socket in react is not listening for the second time
I’m very new to socket and trying to integrate socket in react and node.js simple CRUD application. My backend always emits the event and Frontend listens to the event. Below is the scenario I’m deleting an item from the list and for which I’m emitting an event from Backend after the record is removed and I’m listening for the same
Where is io.sockets.adapter.rooms in io of nodejs?
https://stackoverflow.com/a/6727354/462608 The short answer: io.sockets.adapter.rooms I analysed io: The sockets output part from io as shown in that answer contains the following: Where is the adapter? Where are the rooms? What is the way to find out adapter and rooms from the output of io? Answer I think you are trying to get room before joining it. First You have
How do I send message from HTML to Python (Flask) using JavaScript?
I need to send string from HTML file to Python(Flask) using JavaScript. This is my HTML code inside “templates” folder: This is my JavaScript code (index.js) inside “static” folder This is the code for my main.py It is supposed to work, but the button doesn’t work, “clicked” isn’t being printed when the button is being pressed. Answer @geatanoM change $(‘a#test’)
JS file gets a net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
I am trying to create a simple Io-web-chat. I recently wanted to seperate my <script> inside my html file to an external js file. this is my very simple folder structure: Relevant part of html file: Relevant part of index.js file: Relevant part of server.js file: I also tried putting my files in this public type structure that they have
How to catch and deal with “WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state” in Node
I’ve been searching for a solution to the issue “WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state” and found this: Meteor WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state error WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state. Answer #1 is for strictly related to Meteor and #2 has no answers… I have a Node server app with a socket:
Snake Game – eat the food but dont spawn another (javascript)
I have a snake game made using JavaScript using Node.js and sockets. When a food spawns, I want there to be a 21/25 chance it being green, a 3/25 chance of it being red, and a 1/25 chance of it being yellow. If there is more than 1 food in the array and the player eats a green one, I